Industrial waste generated during the manufacturing process is classified as follows:

Recyclable waste:

Papers and cardboard

They are sent to recycling companies, reclassified and transformed into new packaging.

Wooden products

Made with reforestation wood by certified companies.


They are sent to recycling companies, reprocessed and transformed into new products.


Ferrous: Sent to steel mills and transformed into new products.
Aluminum and brass: Sent to the foundry and returned to our production line to manufacture shapes, bases and pedestals.


Parts made from Plex-T resin are reprocessed and transformed into raw material for the manufacture of new products.

Painting supplies

They are supplied by IQL, a high-tech company that meets the strictest VOC emission standards (volatile organic compounds)

The gas treatment system from the painting process is treated in accordance with CETESB standards number 010/2010/p.

Resíduos não recicláveis:

Class 1 waste

Contaminating materials

Filters, solvents and greases are sent to the incineration plant.
The heat generated by this burning is used to produce electrical energy.

Class 2 waste

Non-contaminating materials

Paper and tow go to composting plants, go through a decomposition system and the methane gas produced by the process is converted into an energy source.

Organic waste


They are collected and sent to an environmentally licensed landfill, thus ensuring safe disposal for non-reusable materials.

Social actions

Student support program for employees' children

Encouraging sport through sponsorship

Child-friendly company (ABRINQ)

Donation of mannequins for social projects

Click on the photos and check out the full article on our blog; )

Social actions